ConstructSim Planner CONNECT Edition Update 5 Help

Animate General Settings

Used to animate any of the general rendering settings. This is done by scripting the required setting at various times, or frame numbers. As the script is being recorded, the setting changes from one value to the other as specified by the time or frame numbers.

You can access this tool from the following:

  • Ribbon: Visualization > Animate > Script
  • Toolbox: Animation Settings

Unless scripted otherwise, the current DGN file settings are assumed at frame zero. That is, if the first script entry for a setting is frame 20, then the setting will be interpolated from the current DGN setting to the new setting at frame 20.

Start Time Sets the time, or frame number, at which the settings are to take effect.
Interpolation Sets the method used to interpolate the change to the setting.
  • Linear — Transition from one setting to the other is calculated linearly.
  • Spline — Calculation of the transition from one setting to the other is based on a b-spline curve.
Velocity Sets the velocity of the transition from one set of values to the next.
  • Constant — Transition is at a constant rate.
  • Accelerate — Transition starts at rest, moving with constant acceleration.
  • Decelerate — Transition constantly decelerates to finish at rest.
  • Accelerate-Decelerate — Transition starts at rest, accelerates to half-way, then decelerates to finish at rest.
  • Infinite — Transition is instantaneous, from the last viewing position to the camera view.
  • Custom — Used when you edit a velocity curve through the Animation Producer dialog's Velocity Graph.
Setting Defines the setting that is being animated. For each setting, the appropriate field appears to let you enter a value. Available settings are:
  • Camera Angle
  • Background Name
  • Background Increment (for animating a background image)
  • Near Depth Density
  • Near Depth Distance
  • Far Depth Density
  • Fog Color
  • Brightness Adaptation
  • Brightness Multiplier
  • Speed
  • Cloudiness
  • Air Quality
  • Ground Reflection
  • Ground Reflection Color
  • Sky Color
  • Depth Of Field
Note: If a background image file is to be animated, the name of the file must contain one or more digits. The filename must also identify the file as a member of a sequentially numbered series of files composing an animated sequence. The increment value is added to the filename sequence number after each frame. If an increment value of one is used, an animated background will play at the same speed as the input sequence. Values less than one will play slower, and values greater than one will play faster (and skip some frames in the input sequence). Increment values less than zero cause the input sequence to play backwards.
Note: It is not possible to “freeze” (using the Freeze button) general rendering settings that are changing.